How To Shave Your Inner Lips
Not many women dare to discuss how to shave their inner lips with family or friends. It is a most uncommon topic to discuss, but keeping it silent won’t help, especially for young girls who always ask questions and want a straight answer. So yes, most women shave their inner lips, and we will discuss how to shave your inner lips with our guest contributor @toodlehubofficial. Now to answer the main question:
How to shave your inner lips
For whatever reason, you decide to get rid of the public hair is your own decision and no one else business. You should ensure you trim down your public hair by pulling the skin taut while trimming with baby scissors. Ensure you are seated on a comfortable surface that’s not wobbly and out of the way.
After a quick hair trim down the public area with clean sterilized scissors, wash the area (only outside the vag) with an antibacterial fragrance-free wash. This is to avoid any infection in case there is a small cut.
For the next step, according to @toodlehubofficial, “use chemical-free shaving products,” example is aloe vera shaving cream or gel, like the Maca Root and Aloe Softening Shaving Cream. Another important thing you need is a new sharp razor.
Make sure to shave towards the hair growth direction; remember, you will be way closer and deeper to your vulva and the lips, which are very sensitive.
You will need two hands to shave the lips, one for pulling the skin taut and the other for shaving. “Remember a stable position, non-slip area, and go slow.” Says @toodlehubofficial.
You will need a steady hand to shave the labia and pull the skin tightly so you get to shave steadily. Having your better half help you is fantastic because some hair can be tucked away between the labia minora and labia major, and they can see it more than you can. You must be careful what you are doing, not to cut yourself if you must shave your inner lips. This area can easily be infected with bacteria infections from cuts and bleeding.
Now that you have finished shaving the lips, the next is to moisturize the skin. Something hydrating and safe, like aloe vera or a sheet mask on the vag and around the area, will be great.
Other ways to shave the inner lips area
If you want to know how to shave your inner lips but are scared of a razor, do not worry, there is another way.
You should shave just a little above the lips and about the clitoris. Then use scissors to trim off any hair left, then blow dry it to remove moisture.
If you feel irritated after the shave, press a hot towel or apply aloe vera on the shaved area. Don’t apply too much; just a dab will do to avoid it being too moist. Good luck to you.
How to get a smooth pubic area after shaving?
For the pubic area, shaving is a popular hair removal technique. Here is some shaving advice for this area:
- Trim the hair first: Cut the hair using clippers or scissors to a tolerable length before shaving.
- Use shaving cream or gel: You should lubricate the skin and reduce irritation, apply shaving cream or gel to the region that has to be shaved.
- Use a sharp razor: Choose a fresh razor with a good edge to avoid nicks and cuts. Use only sharp, brand-new razors when using disposables.
- Shave in the direction of hair growth: You can prevent irritation and ingrown hairs by shaving in the direction of hair growth. Try to avoid returning to the same spot again.
- Rinse the area: Rinse the area with lukewarm water after shaving to calm the skin and remove any shaving cream or gel residue.
- Moisturize: To avoid dryness and irritation, apply a moisturizing lotion or oil to the region.
It’s crucial to remember that everyone has different skin; for some people, shaving the pubic area may cause irritation or pain. Stop shaving if you feel any pain or discomfort, and try another hair removal technique instead, such as waxing or using an electric trimmer.
How to get rid of hair inside vag?
Women often have some hair inside their vaginal lips, which protects them from germs and debris. For personal or aesthetic reasons, some women may nevertheless decide to have this hair removed. These are a few ways to get rid of hair:
- Shaving: A frequent technique for getting rid of hair is shaving. You should use a recent, sharp razor and exercise extreme caution to prevent nicks and cuts.
- Waxing: Another method of hair removal is waxing, although this method can be uncomfortable and result in ingrown hairs or discomfort.
- Depilatory creams: Creams used for depilation dissolve hair using chemicals. Although they are simple, they irritate the skin and should only be used carefully.
- Laser hair removal: Using laser light to target and kill hair follicles, laser hair removal is a long-term hair removal method. It can be costly and may need several treatments.
- Trimming: Trimming might be a decent alternative for individuals who only wish to remove a portion of the hair with scissors or an electric trimmer.
It’s crucial to remember that there is no “correct” or “wrong” approach to removing hair from this region; it might be a matter of personal preference. It’s crucial to pick a technique that appeals to you and one you are at ease with. Ensuring excellent hygiene standards is crucial to keep the space tidy and healthy.
Hair growing inside vag walls is itchy.
As hair grows inside the vaginal walls, especially coarse or curly, it can occasionally itch or irritate the skin. In addition, the hair may irritate the area’s delicate skin by rubbing against it.
These are some things you may do to stop the itching or discomfort:
- Keep the area clean and dry: You have the keep the area dry and clean since moisture might worsen the itching. Since scented soaps and body washes might irritate, avoid using them.
- Wear loose-fitting clothing: Wear loose-fitting clothing made of breathable materials like cotton since clothing that is too tight might irritate the skin when it rubs against it.
- Use a soothing cream: Itching and irritation can be reduced by applying a calming lotion or ointment to the affected region. Search for products with components like witch hazel or aloe vera, recognized for their calming effects.
- Remove the hair: You should consider getting the hair removed if it is giving you ongoing pain. You can use a depilatory lotion, wax, or shave for hair removal.
- See a doctor: It’s crucial to visit a doctor if the itching is severe or persistent or if you experience any other symptoms like discharge or odor. They can assess the region and identify any underlying conditions that require care.
- Avoid scratching: Avoid scratching the area as much as possible because doing so will aggravate it and raise the possibility of infection.
- Use a warm compress: Itching and pain in the region can be reduced by using a warm compress. You can use a heating pad set to a low temperature or a clean, moist washcloth.
- Over-the-counter medications: Hydrocortisone creams or over-the-counter anti-itch lotions may assist in lessening itching and irritation. Before taking any new medicine, you should see your doctor first, especially if you have any underlying medical issues or are already on other medications.
- Practice good hygiene: To avoid irritability and infection, it’s crucial to maintain excellent hygiene practices. Avoid sharing towels or washcloths with others, and wash your hands before handling anything.
The itching is persistent or has additional symptoms like discharge or odor. It’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying medical concerns that need treatment. After that, they could suggest more medical procedures, such as prescription drugs, to help with the symptoms.
Everyone has a unique skin type, so what works for me may not work for you. If your skin continues to itch or hurt after shaving, try another hair removal technique or speak with a healthcare professional.